Finally, green concrete? New mixture sequesters CO2 while producing strong, durable concrete
New method captures CO2 while enhancing concrete strength.
New method captures CO2 while enhancing concrete strength.
A computational model found that UV light can kickstart the reduction of CO2, which can then be converted into useful ...
The rate of accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is simply staggering.
With this, we're well on the way to turning smokestacks into stacks of cash.
The project, while innovative, is unlikely to save us from climate change.
What a time to be alive.
Seriously guys we can’t risk things so soon after 2020.
Warmer, wetter tropical soil increases microbial activity -- which belch out CO2.
It all depends on where we get the timber, though.
Students could see a 50% decline in cognitive capacity by 2100 if CO2 emissions don't drop.
"When the good news is that emissions growth is slower than last year, we need help," the researchers explain.
Saving money and saving the environment are my two favorite things.
Propeller-shaped molecules trap CO2, which can then be used to manufacture useful organic materials.
They track the CO2 you breathe out.
A new study shows that there's still plenty of room for almost a billion hectares of forest.
War isn't clean, it would seem.
Please, tell me again how this has nothing to do with emissions.
This process might finally allow for commercially-viable CO2 recycling.
The technology isn't yet ready for the market -- but it's not far off, either.
It's not the best solution, but it could help.
Not the kind of record we want.
This could be a big part of the battle against climate change.
Feasible or not, it's still an interesting idea.
Oh, how the waters have turned.
"Poetic justice" comes to mind.
I can hardly beleaf it!
We're really good at setting bad standards.
Rice is losing proteins, vitamins, and minerals due to rising CO2 in the atmosphere.
Modern science explains how an ancient ritual worked.
By 2050, virtually every summer will be hotter than anything we've experienced to date.
A sign that far more ambitious action is required in order to avoid runaway climate change.
"It is quite an irony that forming the coal that today is a major factor for dangerous global warming once ...
Nope, it's not Trump's idea.
Volcanoes emit a significant amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but nowhere near what humans emit.
These "alternative facts" go against 150 years of research.
Humanity gives with one hand and takes with the other. We just take a lot more than we give.
Storing CO2 underground might be one pivotal for our climate future.
And its discovery happened by accident, too.
We'll have some explaining to do when our kids grow up.
A long-standing assumption that as the planet warms, the biosphere releases more CO2 in a positive feedback loop was confirmed ...
2016 will go in history as the first year carbon emission stay above 400ppm all year round. I don't think ...
As CO2 builds up in the atmosphere, this warms the planet, acidifies the ocean and melts glaciers. It also promotes ...
A forest's trees capture carbon not only for themselves, but also engage in an active "trade" of sorts with their ...
Making bottles to meet America’s demand for bottled water uses more than 17 million barrels of oil annually, enough to ...
CO2 interferes with neuroreceptors in the brain of fish, causing them to behave as if drunk. By 2100, fish in ...
Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have never been higher: the average global CO2 levels have reached the 400 parts ...