SpaceX will develop a space capsule to destroy the International Space Station
The ISS will be old enough to retire by the end of this decade. Here's what will happen once it's ...
The ISS will be old enough to retire by the end of this decade. Here's what will happen once it's ...
The satellites demonstrate a super low-cost solution for preventing space debris.
We're littering our planet's orbit.
Illustration of the relative distribution of debris in Earth's orbit. Space debris could soon become a major cause of satellite ...
Space junk is a classic example of the Tragedy of the Commons -- now it's time to take responsability and ...
An experimental spacecraft designed to solve our growing space junk problem was a sound success.
They're after the Moby Dick of space.
It's a super James Bond-esque idea.
It's a sensor that will tell scientists how common small, but dangerous debris are.
This may be crazy enough to work.
Inspired by nature, scientists tackle a sticky problem.
ESA is proposing the most promising 'space janitor' yet.
Space junk is cluttering space. One day, we might not be able to launch anything anymore.
We've mentioned on numerous occasions the growing problem of space debris and voiced our concerns that, if left unchecked, the thousands of metal ...
The European Space Agency just announced the asteroid they chose for an upcoming controlled crash landing of one of their ...
Ever increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere are not only hazardous to life on the planet's surface, but also to ...
The Russian space program's Mission Control Center recently announced that the International Space Station will adjust its orbit to prevent ...
This Friday, ground mission control ordered the current stationed astronaut crew at the International Space Station to head for the ...
There are currently an estimated 19,000 individual space debris swirling around Earth's orbit at 17,000 miles/hour, posing great threat to ...
When we started putting satellites on orbit, few could have pondered the idea of space junk, and even fewer would ...
In January, 1997 Lottie Williams was strolling through a park in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her friends around 3:30 AM, when a ...
Remarkably, a growing issue NASA scientists face everyday is space junk - tiny bits of scrap, bolts, rocket modules from ...
Junk is not only limited to our planet, we have a problem with space pollution as well. In 1978, a ...