The World’s First Moon Data Center Is Launching — Here’s What It Means
There's no shortage of data centers being built on Earth, but this one's a little different.
There's no shortage of data centers being built on Earth, but this one's a little different.
For a few months, Earth had a second moon — a tiny asteroid that may have been a piece of ...
Understanding how heat moves through the lunar regolith can help scientists understand how the Moon's interior formed.
Pluto's moon just keeps getting more and more interesting.
New findings show lunar volcanic activity occurred as recently as 120 million years ago.
Meteorites keep the Moon's fragile atmosphere alive.
The success of the upcoming manned Artemis missions to the Moon hinge on perfect syncronization between time-keeping instruments.
It's one of the most Earth-like places in our solar system... except it's nothing like the Earth.
This is just one of the "sci-fi" projects NASA is working on now.
The Lunar Cruiser can support a two-person crew for 30 days. Everything they need is inside.
They're some of the toughest creatures we know of. We may have just brought them to the moon.
It's time to start looking at space exploration with a different lens.
That's one mystery about the Moon we can take off of the list.
First images shared hours after the landing reveal a pockmarked surface
There were no people on board, though the plan is to eventually offer a taxi service
The moon does turn "blue" sometimes, but this idiom doesn't really refer to its color.
Over 70 years as humanity has begun to explore space, we have upon occasion, turned our gaze back to our ...
Jupiter has one-upped Saturn for now.
This is the first practical step towards bringing NASA astronauts back to the Moon after more than 50 years of ...
A lot is riding on this 55-pound machine.
Can we all get along on the Moon?
New study finds our Moon could have developed insanely fast.
The moon isn't just a pretty face.
The very detailed map has been released and is free to use.
There's no liquid water on the surface of the moon -- but that doesn't mean there's no way to get ...
The shock and heat pushed certain minerals all the way through the Moon.
Astronomers have tracked the rocket for many years, but its origin is still contested
Scientists will use the new moon to aid in future interstellar colonization.
The rock was jettisoned to the moon when early Earth was pounded by daily meteorite impacts.
The revolving disk holds enough matter to seed three moons the size of Earth's.
They keep falling, but not down.
The moon wobbles in roughly 18-year cycles like a rocking ship as it orbits Earth. Next cycle could exacerbate rising ...
We're more to blame but that doesn't make for catchy headlines.
Space is full of surprises.
It may have been formed by a meteor impact.
This may be a game changer in astronomy.
The experience will prove useful in China's future sample missions to Mars in 2030 and upcoming crew missions to the ...
After the moon, they also want to put one on Mars.
As if Europa needed to get even cooler.
The moon is much wetter than we thought -- not one, but two papers show it.
NASA has announced that water is more common on the Moon than previously believed, with traces now discovered at its ...
Cat videos and memes -- soon on a Moon near you.
It's part of a set of innovative projects funded by the space agency.
US shows a pro-business approach regarding space resources.
Urea could help build hardier, sturdier bases in space.
Parts from the craft landed in almost two dozen locations spanning several kilometers.
The US space agency hopes to go back to the moon by 2024
One of NASA's most forgotten missions to the moon, but also one of the funniest
This study rocks.
If having most moons was a race, Saturn just took an unexpected lead.