Seahorses are just as elusive as they are cute, so diver Neil Garrick-Maidment, the executive director of the Seahorse Trust was absolutely thrilled when he spotted a 1.5 inch long baby female seahorse “clinging onto a piece of seagrass”. This trule remarkable sighting was made in the waters of Great Britain, in the Dorset waters, a region well known as a breeding area for seahorses.
“These babies are so small they have never been seen before in Britain, and as far as I know in Europe either,” Garrick-Maidment said. “The species is literally hanging on by its fingertips so it’s heartening to see them breeding here. I can’t overestimate how rare it is to see something like this. It’s absolutely, mind-blowingly fantastic.”
If we were to take a look at these little guys, the odds aren’t good for them at all. Of the 3-500 baby seahorses born during each breeding cycle, just 2 or 3 make it to adulthood. Think about that whenever you’re having a rough day.
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