Why Pluto should be considered a planet
The decision to demote Pluto to a dwarf planet was arbitrary rather than being based on science.
The decision to demote Pluto to a dwarf planet was arbitrary rather than being based on science.
Ice and fire on the surface of Pluto.
It's the only place other than Earth in our solar system that's known to have white-peaked mountains
Although Pluto orbits the sun at an average distance of 3.7 billion miles (5.9 billion kilometers), some studies claim that ...
This is not what Pluto looks like.
Talk about a surprising find!
Comfortably insulated.
Good news for Pluto fans!
It's the last place scientists expected to find something like this.
I've never given up on you, Pluto.
There's a man-made shuttle at the edge of the solar system, taking photos. It's mind bending.
Pluto just got a lot more interesting.
As NASA's New Horizons shuttle zoomed past Pluto, it snapped awesome photos not only of the "ex-planet", but also of ...
New data provided by the New Horizons mission showed that water ice on Pluto is much more common than we ...
NASA released a stunningly colorful new image of the dwarf planet Pluto, the latest in a series of images that ...
There is only one clear set of official criteria by which we class or not a cosmic body as a ...
We've seen Pluto in all its splendor recently thanks to the New Horizons mission that flew by the former planet ...
NASA's New Horizons shuttle wasn't only taking mind blowing photos of Pluto, it was also peeking at Pluto's moons, especially ...
I know, I know, we've spoiled you with awesome photos of Pluto already, this couldn't possibly surprise you, could it? ...
New close-ups of Pluto's surface have been revealed by NASA today, revealing a stunning variety of features on the frozen ...
New Horizons has sent over so much data that NASA will be analyzing and learning more about Pluto for over ...
GIF via Explore. OK, I know, you've already had your full of Pluto news, but seriously - this GIF is ...
The soaring ice mountains of Pluto are accompanied by wide plains and mysterious deep troughs, show photographs received from NASA's ...
OK, we all know New Horizons zoomed past Pluto, took some breathtaking pictures and then called back home to tell ...
Before you get overly excited, no, Pluto hasn't been once again accepted as a planet - it's still officially a ...
Speeding at 14 km per second, NASA's New Horizons shuttle went past Pluto, hurdling towards the edge of the Solar ...
Pluto, the Solar System's most well known planet wanna-be is having its week in the spotlight: NASA's New Horizons probe ...
We've kept you up to date with New Horizon's progress, and the pictures it took of Pluto; now, after 10 ...
Racing at a pace of about 1 millions per day, the New Horizon craft is getting closer to Pluto and ...
With NASA's New Horizons shuttle basically knocking on Pluto's door, Mark Showalter and Douglas Hamilton present new theories on Pluto's ...
In the past couple of months, we've posted quite a lot of articles about the New Horizons spacecraft zooming in ...
Nine years and 3 billion miles later, New Horizon finally got close enough to Pluto to spot it along with ...
These two dim dots are none other than Pluto, the dwarf plant, and Charon, its largest moon. Though it might ...
NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has officially begun its six month approach to the planet Pluto. This is the first time ...
Planetary Suite by Steve Guildea; Oil on Canvas, 9 Panels 6'x13'3"(Collection of Merrimack College) This magnificent painting by Steve Gildea ...
The new NASA-funded study showed that if the icy surface of Pluto’s giant moon Charon is cracked, analyzing the fractures ...
Pluto may not be a planet anymore, but it still has a few moons. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) is ...
Artist impression of the New Horizons spacecraft set to fly by the Pluto system in July 2015. (c) JHUAPL/SWRI NASA's ...
Astronomers have discovered a new moon orbiting the dwarf planet of Pluto - its fifth - only a year after ...
Some astronomers have long believed that an ocean might lurk beneath Pluto's ice, heated by isotopes undergoing a radioactive decay ...
Eris is a dwarf planet, observed in 2005 for the first time, whose discovery led to Pluto losing its planet ...
All eyes seem to be pointed on Jupiter and Mars these days, with NASA probes being planned for both of ...
Astronomers have discovered a fourth moon orbiting Pluto via the famous Hubble telescope, NASA announced this Wednesday. Some of you ...
Pluto is so upset that it's no longer a planet, that it's turning all red with anger ! No, seriously. ...