Astronaut Scott Kelly is returning home after a year in space, aboard the International Space Station. While there, Capt Scott Kelly shared spectacular images of our planet via Twitter, as well as documenting everyday life in outer space. Here are just a few of them, with the accompanying tweets:
Astronaut Scott Kelly is returning home after a year in space, aboard the International Space Station. While there, Capt Scott Kelly shared spectacular images of our planet via Twitter, as well as documenting everyday life in outer space. Here are just a few of them, with the accompanying tweets:
“22 September 2015 – Day 179. The Nile at night is a beautiful sight for these sore eyes.”“More #Africa #EarthArt hues”“Christmas in July! Great gift for my 100th day in space! Only 250 more to go – not that I’m counting.”“#SpaceWalkSelfie Back on the grid! Great first spacewalk yesterday. Now on to the next one next week.” Capt Kelly was one of two astronauts on board the International Space Station to make their first spacewalk outside, greasing the station’s big robot arm and rerouting some cables.
“Pictures like this make me really regret that my watercolours didn’t make it up here”“My favourite colour is blue. But it’s green I miss most. #New Zealand, you were everything I expected.”
“Photo located on the western edge of the Sahara desert at centre Mauritania in north-west Africa. There is a giant quartzite circle called Richat Structure. It is approximately 24 miles across. This volcanic bulge that never erupted and was levelled by erosion makes for interesting Earth art.”
Unsurprisingly, Capt Kelly’s final post before returning was a picture of Earth; “#Countdown We’re down to a wake-up. #Earth. I’m coming for you tomorrow! #GoodNight from @space_station! #YearInSpace.”