Dogs May Truly Understand Words from Soundboard Buttons
New research suggests dogs aren't just mimicking; they may genuinely understand words.
New research suggests dogs aren't just mimicking; they may genuinely understand words.
Preference for evening activity is linked to higher cognitive performance, researchers find.
These may be the baby steps towards unraveling the origin of human consciousness.
A high IQ is a nice head start -- but it's far from telling the whole story.
The study tested many aspects of the children’s early years to discern the reason for their higher test scores.
Researchers at University of California Irvine exposed mice to radiation similar to the cosmic rays that permeate space and found ...
Hopes are high this time of year, but before your make your New Year's resolution you might want to consider ...
Long term shift work has a permanent negative effect on the brain damaging cognitive ability and memory, a new study has ...
Photo: flickr If you've ever read the biographies of some of the world's greatest thinkers, you may have noticed that ...
Some people are better navigators than others, i.e. men better than women. Whether you can make your way effortlessly through ...
(c) UC San Diego Language and Development Lab A new study made by a team of international scientists found that ...
Our close primate relatives, chimpanzees, have been constantly amazing us with their incredible cognitive abilities and personality traits that are ...
A study conducted by Dr. Juliane Kaminski of the University of Portsmouth's Department of Psychology concluded that when humans forbid ...