With each passing year, science is becoming more and more visual, and the pictures we get to see are more and more spectacular; from horror movie viruses, to nanolandscapes or computer simiulations, these are the winners of the 2010 Science and Engineering Visual Challenge.
The most detailed and advanced model of the HIV virus so far, it summarizes work from areas such as spectroscopy, genetics, virology and X-ray analysis
This is only a portion of AraNet, a gene association network from a plant that was built from over 50 million experimental observations. Each line here represents a link between two genes, and the colours represent how "hot" the connection is
This brilliant 3D illustration represents a bacteriophage virus brutally attacking a bacteria, such as E. Coli; after all, that's what bacteriophage do - they infect bacteria and then turn it into a virus factory
A computer generated model of a proposed structure for the yeast mitotic spindle developed during a two year project conducted by computer scientists, cell biologists, artists and physicists
Fungi make great foods, great beverages, and we find more and more uses for them every day. This splash illustrates their variety and how they influence our lives
77.6 billion people born, 969 million people killed - Everyone Ever in the world is a visual representation of the number of people who have lived vs people who have died in wars, massacres and genocides in recorded history.
This blue nanolandscape represents two molecules on a gold layer that form a self assembled layer, thus paving the way for self cleaning surfaces and not only
You would probably never guess it, but this is in fact the seed of a common tomato
Centipede milirobot
Seattle is one of the leading green cities, and they have also been leading a campaign for the smart tagging of garbage
Millions and millions of people use GPS each day, but little do they know that they handy tools rely on Einstein's theory of relativity to do their work...
A novel method to visualize vectors, where magnitude is shown by the color and the size of the glyphs, and the black and white represent the head and the tail of the vector
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