“I’ve developed mild symptoms of the coronavirus, that’s to say a temperature and a persistent cough and on the advice of chief medical office I have taken a test that has come out positive,” Johnson said in a Twitter announcement minutes ago.
In a Twitter post, the British Prime Minister announced what he says are mild symptoms. In seemingly good health and decent spirits, Johnson addressed the nation (and the internet), saying that he is still coordinating the effort against the coronavirus in the UK:
“I’m working from home, I’m self isolating, that’s the right thing to do.”
“But thanks to the wizardry of modern technology, I can communicate to all my top team and lead the national fightback against the coronavirus.”
Johnson became the most prominent politician to test positive for COVID-19, days after Prince Charles announced that he is also positive, with mild symptoms.
Prince Albert of Monaco also tested positive, as have several high-ranking members in several countries, including Australia, Brazil, and the US — where Senator Rand Paul has also tested positive.
It’s unclear what this means for other high-ranking officials who have been in contact with Johnson over the recent days. It’s also not clear if Johnson will continue coordinating the anti-outbreak efforts alone or will delegate some of his attributions. This is still an emerging situation.
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