Plastic is “everywhere” in the ocean, including its deepest trenches — “There’s no good aspect to this,” researchers say
Thrash we've thrown away years ago is killing ocean life as you're reading this.
Thrash we've thrown away years ago is killing ocean life as you're reading this.
Can't they do what we all do and count on their tentacles?
Mantis shrimp are probably best known for the dazzling colors that adorn their shells. The second thing they're best known ...
An University of Queensland study of mantis shrimp discovered a new form of light communication employed by the animals, the ...
The effects of climate change on food stock quality is well documented, yet a new study suggests that climate change ...
The punching mantis shrimp is one of the meanest sea dweller. Photo: Carlos Puma As the night covers the tropics, ...
At nearly 200 meters below the ice, there is no light, the temperature is way below 0 degrees, and scientists ...