How CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing is set to change the world
Gene editing sounds super scary but its potential to improve our lives is immense. Is it worth the leap, though?
Gene editing sounds super scary but its potential to improve our lives is immense. Is it worth the leap, though?
The international scientific community is shocked by yet another ethical scandal sparked by Chinese researchers.
The powerful CRISPR is set to revolutionize medicine.
It's easier and more effective than other gene editing methods. What's more, there's no risk of transmitting altered genes to ...
He Jiankui is currently confined to his home and under armed guard.
This could be a game changer in the face of rising food demand.
The whole odd affair is unprecedented.
They used CRISPR gene editing to take a shortcut around traditional plant domestication that can take up to thousands of ...
Scientists have sharpened CRISPR's scalpel.
It's further than anyone has ever gone with gene editing in the United States.
Money well spent!
Even with over 1000 unexpected mutations, the mice seemed healthy and normal.
It's more effective than welding a slab of steel on the Death Star's thermal exhaust port.
They plan to cut genes out until they learn which are involved in miscarriages.
The trial will alter T cells in an attempt to treat lung cancer patients.