Smithsonian has just announced the 60 finalists for their 11th Annual Photo Contest. They selected the 60 photographs out of over 50.000 entries, sent by photographers all over the world.
They selected 10 finalists for each of their 6 categories The Natural World, Travel, People, Americana, Altered Images and Mobile – which is a newly added category.
Everyone and anyone can vote! You can cast 1 vote here every 24 hours, so hurry up – voting is only open until May 6, 2014 at 6:00 PM ET. The winners will be announced on May 15.
Sadly, one of the entered photographers was actually stolen – it was origianlly published by Chris Bellamy in Alberta, Canada in 2010. It was of course retracted from the competition.
I really encourage you to vote! It’s one of the best photo contests in which readers get the chance to decide the winner, and the photos are indeed amazing! Definitely worth checking out.
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