You don’t see a big dotted line going through the middle, but this stadium in Brazil is located just on the Equator – so that both teams are defending one hemisphere.
Estádio Milton Corrêa, commonly knwn as Zerão (Big Zero, as in zero latitude) is a multi-purpose stadium in Macapá, Brazil. It’s mostly used for football, hosting several teams (Amapá Clube, Esporte Clube Macapá, Oratório Recreativo Clube, Trem Desportivo Clube, Santos Futebol Clube (AP), São Paulo Futebol Clube (AP) and Ypiranga Clube). In itself, it wouldn’t be special, but its location brought it a lot of fame.
As far as I could find, there wasn’t any master plan to make the stadium exactly on the 0 latitude line, and you can see there was little wiggle room in the neighborhood, but this is one nice coincidence.
The stadium is nicknamed after the neighborhood in which it’s located – Marco Zero. The neighborhood is also known for being located on the Equator… but then again, several parts in Brazil are.
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