Coronavirus cases in Singapore
The number is based on confirmed diagnostic tests. It is very likely that the true number of COVID-19 cases is higher as many cases are asymptomatic.
New COVID-19 cases per day
This is a good indicator of “flattening the curve” — when there is a steady decreasing trend, it is an indicator that the spread of the disease is slowing down.
If you’d like to use these graphs and maps on your site or articles, please e-mail us.
Safe distancing at workplaces
- sit over 1 meter apart
- work remotely if possible
- stagger work and lunch hours
- tele-commute, tele-conference
- limit size, number, and duration of meerings
- cancel non-critical work events
If you think you might be sick:
- call a doctor (but don’t doctor-hop!)
- wear a mask
- stay at home.
Avoid rumors and misinformation, only seek advice from medical sources. Get the latest SG Gov COVID-19 info by following the WhatsApp channel (
What everyone should do to avoid the spread of COVID-19
- wash hands frequently with water and soap
- monitor your temperature daily
- avoid touching your face with your hands
- comply with official notices in your neighborhood and follow official recommendations.
For more information about COVID-19 and what you can do to help, check out these resources.
Coronavirus in Singapore News:
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