Carbon fixation explained: the hidden hero of photosynthesis
A brief explainer of how plants deal with CO2.
Joshika Komarla is a wildlife conservationist and science writer based in Bangalore, India. Armed with a triple major in zoology, botany, and chemistry, she pursued scientific communication to fulfil her lifelong fascination with all questions silly and obscure. Her downtime (read: all her time) is spent protecting innocent cats and birds from her pup, Nala.
A brief explainer of how plants deal with CO2.
Turns out, animals dream a lot like us: about everyday life.
Welcome to the fascinating world of working memory—an overlooked but essential aspect of our cognitive machinery.
Most birds, by design, are built to fly. Peacocks, on the other hand, are not.
It's a mix of both and much more.
Hint: Check the bristles when in doubt.
Bumblebees excel in buzz pollination, vibrating flowers to release more pollen than any other bee, showcasing their superior pollinating abilities.
This bird evolved a avoid a fight.
Albino crocodiles are extremely rare -- and for a very good reason.
A third of all snakes don't actually lay eggs.
That part of the coast where sea meets land -- that's the intertidal zone. Technically.
Avian courtship displays a vivid blend of beauty and biology in nature's mating dance.
Elephants are vegetarian. But do they feed on the leaves like giraffes or do they graze for grass like rhinos?...
Farts stink. Unless they're yours, apparently.
It's a noisy world yet we somehow cope in the cocktail party of life.
If you've got a case of the ACHOO, then you, like me (and Aristotle), sneeze when you look at light.
They're not the only animals with odd-colored tongues.
Monogamy is complicated.
This monkey is under great threat -- but it's not too late to help it.
Lizards' eating habits are far more complex than most people assume.
Goblin sharks are some of the most intriguing creatures in the sea.
Adorable but venomous: the blue-ringed octopus is something you want to admire from far away.
They're small, feisty, and amazing. Meet the rufous hummingbird.
Dragonfish are exceptional creatures.
Implicit memory is why you never forget how to ride a bike or play the guitar.
Flying ants, an annual nuisance