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Could time travel actually be possible? One researcher thinks so

No word yet if 88 miles per hour is the magic number.

Jordan Strickler
January 16, 2025 @ 8:14 pm

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One Vanderbilt University researcher thinks time travel might not just be for the movies. (Credit: Wikimedia Commons).

Time travel is one of the most captivating tropes in science fiction, inspiring countless stories of adventures through the ages. After all, what’s more tantalizing than the possibility of rewriting history? Yet, this concept has always run into fundamental contradictions — like the infamous “grandfather paradox,” where changing the past seems to erase the time traveler’s very existence.

Now, a new study by Lorenzo Gavassino, a Vanderbilt University physicist, explores how quantum mechanics and thermodynamics might resolve such paradoxes, offering a theoretical glimpse into how time travel could actually work without breaking reality.

Twisting Space-Time into Loops

It’s hard to say who ever thought about time travel, but the physical concept of time travel typically traces back to Albert Einstein’s theory of general relativity. This theory shows that space-time can curve in unusual ways. Under certain extreme conditions, it might bend so dramatically that it loops back on itself, creating what physicists call a “closed timelike curve.” Imagine following a path through space-time that eventually leads you to the exact point in history — including your own personal history — from which you set out.

Though these loops are mathematically allowed by Einstein’s equations, they spark a series of “what if?” questions. In addition to paradoxes like the grandfather scenario, skeptics have long pointed out another issue: the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the overall disorder (or entropy) in a system cannot decrease with time. If you could travel in a closed loop, how would the usual march of entropy proceed, and how could any contradiction be prevented?

For physicists, this is the stuff of nightmares. But Gavassino took them on.

The new study tackles these questions by focusing on the thermodynamic arrow of time — the familiar one-way direction in which events unfold, food spoils, and we all age. Entropy is the key to this arrow. Under normal, everyday conditions, entropy only goes up.

But, the paper suggests that within a closed timelike curve, quantum fluctuations could disrupt this pattern. These fluctuations might act like tiny corrections to the ordinary laws of thermodynamics, allowing entropy to decrease in a localized way when traveling around the loop.

By partially reversing the arrow of time, processes previously believed to be impossible — such as “undoing” an irreversible event or preventing it from ever fully taking place — might become feasible along the curve. This mechanism would keep the laws of physics intact overall, even if local segments of time temporarily behave in ways that seem to break the usual rules.

No Paradoxes Allowed

An important consequence of these quantum corrections is that history might remain self-consistent. Even if you attempted to do something that appears paradoxical — like destroying the time machine before it was built or sabotaging your grandfather’s marriage — the physical system would not settle into a final state that defies logic or causality. Instead, the universe would “correct” the scenario to avoid a permanent contradiction.

Scientists have been investigating such self-consistency arguments for decades. Some have posited that if time loops exist, something in the laws of nature would prevent paradoxes by ensuring that every event fits neatly into a coherent timeline (though this is speculative). This new research strengthens that argument by showing how, from the standpoint of thermodynamics and quantum mechanics, the loops might sustain themselves without derailing causality.

Despite these theoretical breakthroughs, many physicists still doubt that closed-timelike curves can occur in the real universe. Stephen Hawking famously championed the “chronology protection conjecture,” which suggests that fundamental physics — perhaps quantum gravity at the smallest scales — actively forbids true time loops from forming. Whenever conditions approach what is needed for a time loop, so the conjecture goes, the universe would intervene (possibly through intense radiation or singularities) and destroy that path.

How exactly it would do that is anyone’s guess.

In fact, even whether such a cosmic safeguard actually exists remains an open question. Proponents of closed timelike curves note that rotating black holes, exotic forms of matter, or even certain cosmological models could, in principle, create the right environment for time loops. However, these ideas remain speculative without concrete experimental evidence.

Even if it turns out that time loops never take shape, studying them provides key insights into the deepest rules of reality. Understanding what happens to entropy, quantum phenomena, and relativity on such extreme curves helps physicists refine their theories of how the universe behaves under the most exotic conditions.

Moreover, attempts to model time-travel paradoxes can yield surprising discoveries relevant to other domains, such as the thermodynamics of black holes, the structure of quantum fields, or the nature of space-time near gravitational singularities. In some cases, research into hypothetical time loops has sparked ideas for quantum computing and cryptography, where “exotic” manipulations of information might be performed under special conditions.

For now, there is no definitive proof that time travel is physically attainable, much less that a person could step through a portal and visit ancient civilizations or witness their own birth. Yet the new study could be a pointed step showingthat no fundamental law necessarily rules it out. By demonstrating how entropy and quantum fluctuations can ease or erase the contradictions on a time loop, Gavassino offers a potential blueprint for how the universe itself could make time travel self-consistent.

This does not mean practical time travel is on the horizon, not at all; but it does suggest that the idea isn’t as impossible as it might seem at first glance. As research continues, both skeptics and enthusiasts will be watching to see whether nature truly permits such “bending” of reality — and, if so, what hidden laws protect us from the most perplexing paradoxes imaginable.

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