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The composite material could prove particularly useful in aerospace where temperatures can spike wildly between space and atmospheric re-entry.
The discovery could lead to new methods for cryopreserving human cells and organs.
Not exactly telepathy but darn close, that's for sure.
Your new personal assistant.
The future is here.
Less carbon footprint. Less time. Less cost. Bring in the industrial-sized 3D printers.
Far-UVC light could make sidewalks safer and plaza folks happy to gather again.
Solid state batteries could finally make electric vehicles truly competitive with conventional cars.
Mathematics to the rescue!
Maybe, uhm, robots aren't so bad after all.
It's a weird evolutionary thing that we'd build robotic tails.
0 metal, 100% boat.
The monkey simply thought about moving its hands up or down and the paddle moved accordingly.
You can access WiFI, charge your electric car and even your drone from these poles.
The internet of things is going deep -- deep underwater, that is.
AI is ready to stop playing games and move on to other challenges.
The mini-brains were able to learn how to play the game faster than an AI.
A backup plan in case we screw up this planet for good.
Turning fabrics into display electronics could lead to a new class of smart clothing.
Future medicine could come in the form of electric impulses and go straight to the brain.
When biology and human technology come together.
Warp drives aren't such a crazy idea after all.
This is very surreal.
How AI is poised to revamp traffic management.
Your clothes could soon come to life.
This amazing concept might lay the groundwork for the spaceports we've all be drooling over.
Agriculture’s impact on the planet is massive and relentless.
Designs that mimic the glassy sponge’s skeletal structure are 20% stronger than traditional structures employed today in engineering.
As Bitcoin's price surges, so does its carbon footprint.
Hyperbaric chambers could be a 'fountain of youth', the study authors say.
The groundbreaking treatment could soon be trialed on humans.
The test only takes 20 minutes.
These underwater robots operate as a collective artificial intelligence.
Thanks to this platform, any old car can be reborn as an electric vehicle.
Electric cars and solar power may work together like a hand and a glove.
DeepMind's AlphaFold claims to have solved a 50-year-old challenge of protein structure.
They're already up and running in China, and could expand elsewhere.
Pills coated with the substance could navigate through the body using magnets.
Mothballed on NASA’s shelves were the plans to view stars 13 billion years in the past. Now, a group of astronomers from the University of Texas at Austin want to dust off ideas for a moon-based telescope and try to put them to good use. The project was first tabled more than a decade ago […]
The stretchable sensors might make VR feel more real.
At this speed, it would go from Paris to Moscow in under three hours.
It's one of the holy grails of energy production, and these researchers believe it's perfectly feasible.
Decades of research have shown that the brain does not yield its secrets easily.
Researchers used 'light cones' to draw boundaries and make AIs more human-like in predicting events in the future.
Using nature, scientists have been able to create molecules that are normally extremely expensive if not impossible to chemically synthesize in the lab.
Just 5% of road traffic consisting of autonomous vehicles could reduce traffic congestion by 40%.
AI is already nearing sci-fi territory.
We are officially looking through the glass -- this AI is eerily good.
We need to rethink the way cities function
Population growth could decline in the second part of the century, a new study finds.